I’m Gabor Peter, the founder of the Video For Blind platform. I live in Budapest, the capital of Hungary which is a country in Central Europe. I was born in 1985 and currently working as an IT director at a digital agency called Penceo and I have more than 15 years of experience with web and mobile app development.
My father is 60 years old and he is blind. He is working since more than 20 years at the Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially sighted at the Braille printing division. He sometimes comes to me to describe what is happening on videos he is interested in. Video For Blind platform raised by this idea, that all blind people must have the same need and it would be great if there is a platform that would help them.
We’d like to thank all support to our family, Elizabeth, Catherine and Alexander for their support on a daily bases. Also we take the opportunity to thank all volunteers involved for putting so much time and energy into Video For Blinds!